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From our volunteer mowers:
“When I got there, she was in a panic because she had fallen yesterday and hurt her back. She had a doctors appt this morning and was so stressed about getting out of her driveway. I quickly snowplowed her a path so she could get out. I finished her driveway after she left for her appointment. She was so thankful and the relief in her face was amazing.” Brian Christensen, Minnesota (Snow Removal Help for Elderly Judy N’s House – December 2021)
“I ended up speaking with Jesse for half hour after the job and realizing this is more than just lawncare. It’s about the human connection!” – Tom Driscoll, New Jersey (Lawn Mowing Help for Jesse Rosenzweig – Korean war veteran)
“The lady was in tears of joy! She was so thankful. “ – Drew Phebus, Indiana (Lawn Mowing and Bush Trimming for Elderly woman Wanda – Hospitalized due to allergies and the city threatened to fine her due to overgrowth)
“Had a good day Saturday working on this property. The caretaker (Joanie) for Kat (on Hospice) is a really nice person and I was happy to help (my wife too). We were able to deal with the broken tree limbs, so they can now get around in the back yard as well” – John Herby, Westminster, CO (September 2021)
“She was so sweet I was almost in tears because her “thank you “ was so endearing. “ – Volunteer James Kraus, helping Houston Elderly Couple Mr. and Mrs. Moll in Houston Texas – Husband served in Vietnam, suffering from Agent Orange
From yard owners:
“We’re so grateful for their volunteer coming by every week to cut our lawn and see how we’re doing (my husband is the disabled veteran but I need elbow surgery and can’t do it either). I let them know about the elderly Vietnam veteran next door who had a knee replacement and now they’re doing his lawn too! Thank you! Thank you!” – Veronica Steele, Port Huron Michigan wife to Disabled Veteran
“To be perfectly honest, when I first read about I Want To Mow Your Lawn and Brian’s offer, I was very skeptical. When things sound too good to be true, they usually are and have some kind of a catch. I can attest that Brian’s endeavor is not too good to be true, nor is there any kind of catch. Brian scheduled his work and arrived promptly with two additional men (Tom and Ed). I was afraid that I would be told that the work required was far beyond what I thought the service was that they would provide and I was pushing my good fortune. My property was overgrown and then some. Within two hours the equipment was being packed up and everyone was on their way to the next location. Brian and his project was a true godsend for me. Without his generosity, who knows when I would have been able to get it done. Sometimes you have the rare opportunity to cross paths with an angel on earth. I wish Brian, his family, and his colleagues every blessing.” – Barbara Walsh Morris Plains NJ Client
“I am so grateful for Brian Schwartz’s I want to mow your lawn I am 73 and handicapped he can and removed the snow from my sidewalk. I don’t know what I would have done without him please if you can support his nonprofit he refused any payment Knowing the hardship seniors are going through Bless his Goodness. I am sure he needs gas to run the snow blower and to reach us old folks. Thank you Brian”
– Judith McLead, Teaneck NJ
“Without a doubt, the most inspirational nonprofit organization is “I want To Mow Your Lawn. “ It is with great pleasure that, I send accolades to Brian Schwartz , STEVE, plus the entire team for reaching out to the elderly and disabled. I had the pleasure of the team helping my blind daughter . This non profit deserves a parade. They are exceptional human beings with big hearts, gentle souls and incredible spirits. Bryan,Steven and the team show professionalism, compassion, and spirit. “I Want to Mow Your Lawn” deserves a world wide parade. Please contact them if you need free help or wish to thank them for their incredible kindness. Blessings to you and families When was the last time you heard of a non profit reaching out to help the elderly or disabled?” – Judy, Pompton Plains NJ
“Brian Schwartz is a blessing, He is the founder & CEO of ‘I want to Mow your Lawn. He has mowed my lawn & edged it since last year. Free of charge because I’m a senior citizen and now i’m recuperating from a knee replacement. Contact Brian via his web site, veterans, seniors, handicaped.
You too will find Brian a Blessing” – Pam Nardella Disabled Senior, Elmwood Park
“I Signed up for your helping seniors snow plowing this weekend. Well someone snow blowed my drive way today, and left with out finding out who it was. If it was you guys I want to give you a BIG THANKYOU!! IT WAS SO MUCH APPRECIATED!!! I want to say thank you again for snow blowing my drive way. You did a very nice job!!Your company is so nice to be doing this for seniors and vets. It is awesome!! Keep up the great work!!”– Darlene Maish, Minnesota Client
“I would like to share my story and it’s a long story . I am the caretaker of a elderly disabled man who is a beautiful soul and such a inspiration in fighting for life . His yard was overgrown and weeds in some areas six feet high I searched for help and organization in Arizona to help . I contacted landscapers that a did not show up or wanted 1200 to do the job . I went on line and finally found ” I want to mow your lawn ” I sent a message , brian contacted me back I’m 20 mins and was going to help , I find out later he is in New Jersey and is going to help us in Arizona . Within days brian had a team , had product delivered he purchased or rented , he had breakfast delivered for the team coming . On Saturday 09/11 what is a very emotional day for the world a team arrives at 7:00 am and I am talking a team of young men and women donating their time on a Saturday to give life back to a man . They worked their butts off for five hours in 110 degree Arizona heat , they relocated catipillars and bugs to bushes so they would not harmed in the transformation of this yard . They took time to speak to the homeowner and show him he is cared for thank him for letting them do is yard . What this organization does is much bigger than doing the yards , it’s giving life back to the elderly and the disabled are elderly struggle with things they can no longer do , when they can’t do their yard and it’s gets overgrown they no longer go outside they stay inside to not have the reminder of what they can no longer do . This organization gave a man back life Saturday 09/11 he can once again go outside enjoy the sky , the heat , the sun , see the rain or whatever the weather may bring , enjoy fresh air again see neighbors walking their dogs , see kids playing in the street , talk to old neighbors . Please please DONATE and VOULENTEER to this organization they give life back to see the sky again . Brian I thank you for giving James the sky back . You are amazing for what you are doing and there is a special place in heaven for you . God blesses all his angels .” – Angela Ashworth, Phoenix Arizona
I Want to Mow your Lawn us a Wonderful Service! it’s a GOD SEND! This is absolutely GREAT! Especially for someone physically unable or someone older who is not able to take care of their lawn needs! The Guy who came to Help me and My Mom was Awesome AND Friendly!
He Did a Great job for Us And I can believe their awe such Generous People who Volunteer to do thus For FREE!!!!! – Anita Goode, Virginia Beach